Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The first 24 hours

After the c-section, mom was a little wiped out, but was able to go see the twins. At this point, I believe I was just beginning to get feeling back in my legs, and my whole world was a little fuzzy. Both boys were 3 lbs 3 oz, about 1440 grams, and to me, they didn't look small at all. They looked big and wonderful and full of trouble, but then again I was on morphine at the time. I believe this is Sho, though we hadn't picked out names by then.

The next morning I was a little more alert and ready to see my babies! This is Kay, the first boy, hooked up on the breathing aid and lots of monitors. When the nursing staff came in the night before, they told me they knew these were little Asian babies.

Sho, our second boy, was alert and anxious that morning. He used this pacifier to practice his sucking skills, although he couldn't suck strong enough to hold onto it. It seemed to me that they were getting stronger every hour. Posted by Picasa


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