Thursday, May 04, 2006

Well-deserved update

Thanks for everyone's support and good wishes. We're all doing great!

Thanks to my mom, I recovered from my surgery very quickly. I was up and out the door a week after I came home. I may have been a little too quick to get out, as I caught a cold taking the subway to and from the hospital downtown. With my current situation, though, a little cold became a big cold. I learned to take things slower than I thought I could do.

Luckily, the boys moved closer to home, to Mt. Auburn Hospital, which is a short bus ride away. It's also a much more relaxing environment for all of us. Also, they let me order meals while I'm there. It's just hospital food, but it's at least one square meal a day, and I don't have much time for cooking right now.

However, we may not be there much longer. The doctors are starting to talk about Kay coming home VERY soon and Sho not far behind. Possibly this upcoming week. Which is exciting because tomorrow....*drum roll* Naoki arrives in Boston and gets to see his kids for the first time! It's going to be so unbelievably cute - there will be more pictures!

The boys have become noticably more alert this past week. Although they still can't focus as well as most newborns, they now love to stare at the mommy-blur. They know when food is coming and get very eager when I tuck that burp cloth under their chin. Mostly, they feed by bottles, although we're starting to push them on nursing now. Pumping milk and feeding it to them is very time consuming and I don't know how things are going to go for the next few weeks. But, every day is a new adventure, and I'm always surprised when they suddenly decide to do something brilliant. And hey, when you're 5 weeks old, a big tooting poop is cause for celebration. As I said, they're doing so much better than we expected. They're growing fast, and they have appetites just like their dad.

We pretty much have everything ready here at home for them, thanks to the shopping prowess of my mom. My room has been transformed from study-central to baby-zone. It's even leaking into other parts of the house like the fridge, under the bathroom sink, microwave, and pantry. I've even started bringing the infant carrier to class.

Speaking of which, classes have wrapped up and now it's just writing papers and sitting in on some tests. It's going to be difficult to find time to finish up, especially with the boys coming home so early. But once it's done - I'm done! Wish me luck for my last lap.

I'll just close with a funny moment from the days when I was truly big-bellied and waddling around campus. I was talking to friends and one of them told me "When I see you, it's like I'm seeing three people!" "You're the Trinity," another one said. "But only in a very Eastern Orthodox kind of way," I corrected. And if you got that joke, you truly are a religion geek.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ashlee has a blog! And twins! Thank you, Ica, for posting a link in your journal....

I'll be reading now. :)

Fin Carter
Instructional Filmmaker Kiwi

2:32 PM  

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