Sunday, December 09, 2007

hang your mistle-sho

We're having to make do with what's at hand for Christmas this year, and since mistletoe isn't as popular in Asia, we had to hang a baby instead.

We went Christmas light viewing at Sakuragi-cho's big mall with the Japanese grandparents, and had a big dinner at Sizzlers afterwards. (Cant beat a salad and dessert bar if you have kids) Kay was impressing us all with ability to use a spoon for the last of the ice cream. When we offered the cup and spoon to Sho, he ditched the utensil, picked up the cup with both hands and drank down the rest. That's lateral thinking!

But the big news this week is not so cheery. Kay tripped on the sidewalk and broke his tooth, of all things. Not just a chip, the whole thing had to come out. There's a big hole in my baby's mouth, and this is right before Christmas pictures, too. For the next four years, at least, all the Christmas pictures are going to look a bit off. Naoki looks on the bright side of things and tells me that now we'll have no trouble telling them apart. (He also insists that Kay gets it from my side of the family, which I really can't protest). The whole thing is still surreal for me, but nevertheless depressing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:00 AM  
Blogger Susan Rakestraw said...

Ash - I want ze updates!!! *waits and waits and waits*
Pwease? Give the boys and Naoki my love! And then tell Naoki to give you a BIG hug from me!

2:46 AM  

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